Thursday, August 25, 2011

First Day Of School

Sorry, no photo. The prince left for school at 5:45. But they both looked cute, and they both were ready to go back, though the prince won't admit it. They both seemed to have a great first day of school. The princess thinks her 8th grade teachers are "really laid back", which means she has finally reached the grade level where teachers appreciate her "maturity"--or so she thinks. Hey, if the princess is happy, everyone's happy. The prince has career center in the morning (sound board and history) and is back on campus in the afternoon. As an added bonus, if he carpools w/friends instead of riding the bus, he ends up with an hour for lunch. We'll see how that works out in the winter. And we'll see how his pocketbook likes eating fast food often. We aren't paying for that! So here's to a great year for the 8th grader and the high school junior!

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