Saturday, August 6, 2011

Internet to the rescue!

On Thursday the king found out he would have help at work from out of town and that he needed to make a hotel reservation for this person for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Easy enough, right? WRONG. He started calling hotels, choosing the ones closest to work first. All were booked. He finally asked why and was told there was much going on in town including the PBR, fair, and oil spill workers. He then started calling hotels on the other side of town. Still no luck. Econolodge did have a room, but they wanted $268/NIGHT. Yes, you read that right. $268/NIGHT. Yowza! I happened to be on the computer at the time so went to Travelocity. There were 5 hotels listed that still had rooms available. He was able to secure a room for all 3 nights for $165/night at the Hilton. Phew! The internet saved his employer some money, and really, where you rather stay? Econolodge or Hilton? That's a no-brainer to me.

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

Good thing you are so handy with the internet. He should get a promotion for all the money you saved his company!