Thursday, August 11, 2011

La Fiesta

The princess danced at La Fiesta again this year. It was not quite as hot as last year, probably only 95*, but the pavement was scorching. Luckily for the princess, she was able to were shoes this year so there were not burnt feet. We enjoyed the good food and great dancing as well as taking the opportunity to check out the classic car show. The princess was especially excited to be made an honorary member of the Contreraz family as she was the only "white" girl in the group. Her dream to be part Mexican has come true, but she still doesn't tan!

"Chillin'" and waiting to dance with Grandpa and Grandma.

"Fancy Footwork"


"Smooth Criminal"

There was a dance injury that resulted in lots of road rash on her elbow and a bruise on her cheek (hip hop can be brutal), but she soldiered on...the show must go on!

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

Great pictures this year. Way to hip hop!