Saturday, September 24, 2011

"I've Got The Music In MEEEEE"

It might be more impressive if he were actually WEARING the tuxedo, but here is the prince with his suit he'll wear for his new gig--tenor in the school's highest choir. He really lucked into this class. He dropped a class a week ago. Your options for picking up a new class are limited when you drop a class 1 month into the semester. We thought he'd probably end up in a study hall until next semester, but we decided to check and see if there was a choir he was qualified to go in to. Unfortunately, the choir that period is the highest, with strict qualifications and by audition only. But I was brave and emailed the choir director (who loved him last year) and asked if it was too late for him to audition. Sometimes things are meant to be because she emailed me back, told me she had just lost a tenor, thought he'd be able to handle the rigors of the class, and wouldn't even make him audition. Gotta love her! So now he's singing "gleefully" again, and everybody's happy!

As a side note, the princess was also going to have to give up choir this year due to scheduling issues, but there were some last minute changes made, and she was able to stay in. Even better is the fact that she REALLY likes the new choir director. (It's very important that the 8th grader is happy. It would make for a long year otherwise!)


Shelley said...

Good for both of them. Choir is Jared's FAVORITE class this year. He love, love, loves it!!!

J said...

I second Shelley's comment! Happy for both of them!

Mary Beth said...

Yay for him! He must be talented not to have to audition. Can't wait for the first concert!!
My 7th grader loved the music teacher too - a great improvement over last year.