Saturday, October 1, 2011


And the Lord looked down on the middle-aged, white lady who was about to head to Walmart on a Saturday afternoon on the first of the month and smiled. "Today I shall give her everything she could want in a Walmart experience." And it was so. She got a really close parking spot, the store was NOT crowded as she was expecting, the shelves were stocked, people did not park in the middle of the aisle, she only saw one person she knew from work while not wearing makeup, there was no line at the deli, there was only one person in front of her at the check out, and she got a fast checker. As she pulled out of the parking lot, she looked up to the Heavens and whispered, "Thank You." The Lord smiled, and it was good. Amen. (True story.)


Shelley said...

WHAT? No butt crack stories. Boring!

J said...

What a nice Autumn surprise for a Walmart outing! I never really believed it was possible, but now I have hope :-)

Mary Beth said...

That's a good trip to Wally World! You were lucky!

Unknown said...

Sometimes, He knows it really is the little things that matter!

Wendy said...

LOL I'm happy for you Sharmi, everyone dreams of such an outing!