Saturday, October 29, 2011

Rock On!

This week was Drug Awareness week at school. We wore black on Monday to "black out drugs", sweats Tuesday because "being drug-free is no sweat", we wore red on Wednesday and caps on Thursday. Yesterday was dress like a rock-star day "Rock out drugs", maybe? I decided to get some 80's big hair, makeup, and bling. I met one of the members of KISS at school so the paparazzi were all over us! I think maybe I look more like a vampire though...just need some fangs. Below are the lessons I learned from this rock-n-roll experience. (And yes, the irony of dressing as rockers who are often drug-users was not lost on adults at school!)

Lessons learned:

1. I will always pose like this from now on. Look how thin my face looks!

2. It takes a lot of makeup and hairspray to look like this. It was expensive to beautify in the 80's!

3. It took a lot of time to do this hair and make up. Apparently I had more time in the 80's too!


J said...

OMG!! Awesome! No wonder you rock!

Mary Beth said...

THAT IS SO AWESOME! You look just like Joan Jett or Steven Tyler or Nikki Sixx...

Shelley said...

LOVE it! You just had a sister to perm your long 80s locks back in the day!

Wendy said...

You look Fab!