Sunday, October 30, 2011

Rock On Update

When I left for work Friday with all the makeup and hair going on, the king was still sleeping. (We had to be at school at 6:45 for early morning basketball practice.) When we got home I saw him look at me funny, but to his credit, he didn't say anything. Later I explained why I was looking so stunning. He replied, "Well, I was wondering. I thought maybe you had a boyfriend." I said, "I do. His name is Jon Bon Jovi!" Later I mentioned that I would be cleaning most of it off before we headed out to the football game. Again, to his credit, he said, "Good. I didn't want to say anything, but I was hoping you weren't going to the game like that." After almost 20 years of marriage he's learned a thing or two! :)


Shelley said...

I thought maybe he would have wanted you to keep it on and he could feel like HE was out with his new girlfriend!

J said...

I'm with Shelley.... I think he shoulda asked you to stay all rockstar fancy! Still, you've trained him well.