Friday, September 17, 2010


When we went to visit the cousins, every time the princess walked in a room for the first day or so she heard, "Boy, you sure look like Becky." The king and I have been saying that since she started dancing. So the girls posed for a photo shoot to lend proof to the tale. From "natural" hair color to eyes to noses to skin color (WHITE!)...they look a lot alike. And they are alike in personality too both loving dance and music and doing very well in school. The princess has a great role-model in Becky.

A note about Becky. I used to joke that she should have been my daughter. She looked more like me and shared my love of reading and school. When she was about the princess' age, I realized she didn't really like hearing that so I quit mentioning it. On this trip SHE mentioned more than once that she could easily have been my daughter! We're not taking anything away from my sister when we say that. It's just proof of how close we all are! Life is good people! Bask in it!

1 comment:

Shelley said...

GOOD girls, cousins/sisters/twins or whatever!!!