Friday, September 3, 2010


This boy has not been a napper since he was 2! He has always been an early riser who could go all day and not nap, not even in the car. But then he became a teenager. He learned to sleep in. Still no napping, but plenty of sleeping. But these 6AM cheer calls are getting him. I found him like this yesterday at about 4:30. He slept until 6:00 when he had to get up to go take his fruit salad to the dinner. And yes, that is a remote control in his hand, because he is a guy, after all!

PS: The fruit salad was "da bomb"! They ate every last piece. My recipe: a couple of clumps of grapes, box of strawberries quartered, can of pineapple chunks (sometimes use fresh), 2 cans of Mandarin oranges. Drain all canned fruit, mix together. No sugar or other stuff need be added. I choose these fruits because they tend not to brown and look pretty together. Choose Dole pineapple (as opposed to store brand) because it's usually a better color. If you want to be really fancy and know it will get eaten right away, mix in a small container of lime yogurt! Now that's what I call "fancy"!


Mary Beth said...

He does need lots of sleep for cheer, wouldn't want him to be too tired for lifts!

Karen L. said...

I knew that they would one day treasure sleep plus a la-z-boy will do it to you every time. I do some of my best sleeping in the chair.