Thursday, September 23, 2010


The princess had ballet last night. It's about a 20 minute drive from our house. They use the YWCA, and I have noticed that there are often meetings going on at the YWCA while I'm waiting for ballet to get out. I have, so far, either run errands or hung out, since I'd be driving 80 minutes of the 90 minute ballet class should I decide to drive home and then come back. Last night I needed to work on a PowerPoint presentation I have to do next week so I decided to drive over to McDonald's, get myself a large diet coke for $1 (the best deal in town), and then plug my computer in at the YWCA, listen to some nice ballet music in the background, and work on my presentation.

Perfect. Until I spilled the 32 ounce soda while I was getting all set up and comfortable.

After I had cleaned up the mess, these thoughts ran through my head:

I'm grateful it was diet soda so that I did not have a sticky mess to clean up.
I'm grateful it mostly spilled on the table and floor and not on the fabric couch.
I'm grateful the bathroom had paper towels and not hand driers.
I'm grateful the meeting I was not aware was going on (it seemed really quiet in there except for the ballet music) didn't get out until AFTER I had the mess cleaned up.
I'm grateful the director of the YWCA is really, really nice!
I'm grateful no skinny ballet girls came out to get a drink of water while my big ol' butt was up in the air, cleaning the mess.

When it was all said and done the mess was cleaned up, I finished about 3/4 of my presentation, I got to drink about 4 ounces of diet coke, and life goes on!

Have a good day!


J said...

What a night!!

Unknown said...

I was sure you were going to post that you spilled that Diet Coke ON the computer! Whew! (And I agree... Can't beat the $1 Large drink. I'm addicted to the iced tea- unsweet, of course!)

Shelley said...

I, like Karen, was thinking about your computer. Glad you missed it!