Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Seriously? Just get a yellow "Taxi" light I can put on top of my car. The princess has decided to add basketball to her already busy schedule. She's NEVER played basketball except during PE, but this year, "Lots of my friends are playing, and they don't have enough people, and the coach said it's not too late to start, and ..." Seriously??? So tomorrow she will have to have a sports physical (volleyball doesn't start until February, so I wasn't thinking she'd need it yet). Practices are after school but games are all over the place...some after school, some on Saturdays. She'll miss a couple of dance classes too. I'm not sure when she'll get her homework done. Really, this is crazy. No, wait. I am crazy!

Those of you who know the princess know that she hates to not be good at something. If she's going to be watched, she wants to make sure she doesn't look foolish. That was her biggest fear with basketball, and I reminded her that she'll be playing with and against girls who have been playing for years. She will not be the best player on the team. I cautioned her to do this only if she's in it for fun and to learn something. Oh, and no quitting. If she shows up once, she'll complete the season. I'm kind of like June Cleaver.

Oh yeah, and I'm not buying any fancy, hightop basketball shoes for her either. Yeah, just like June Cleaver.

Wish us luck!

(Check it out: this post became all about me! But that seems only fair since this will impact my life as much as hers.)


J said...

Good luck, June Cleaver!!
Have you considered cloning yourself just to cover the driving portionS of your week?!

Shelley said...

Just so you know it IS okay to say NO sometimes! Your life is so busy. Glad it isn't me!!!