Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Dance weekend was another big success. We are all exhausted, but the girls learned a lot, and we moms got to spend a lot of time with our butts on the hard gym floors, which isn't as easy as it was when we were kids. I didn't take any photos of the princess in class. I have one video I might post later. That's the way it went this year!

Last year our best quote came from the hip hop teacher who often talked about "Michael Jackson Rest In Peace". This year my favorite came from the Modern dance teacher when she said, in a mock whisper, "You're not in ballet class. You don't have to dance like automatronic robots. You can dance like humans." Ouch!

Most of the girls after a ballet class.

The princess is back row, far left.

Katie and the princess.

Katie is Clara in the Nutcracker this year.

The princess and her competition team.

An exhausted looking dance mom

and her beautiful daughter.

Until next year....


Did I say, "next year"????

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

Great weekend. Let's do it again... next year. My behind needs to recuperate after sitting on the gym floor. lol