Monday, October 31, 2011

Shootin' Hoops

The princess decided to play basketball this year. Apart from basketball units in PE, she's never played. But there was the chance to play the 8th grade boys later in the season, so she was inspired. She made the competition team, and they had their first game Saturday. It wasn't pretty. They got clobbered. But they did improve as the game went on, and to her credit, the princess scored the team's first basket! The coach plays them in the 1st and 3rd or 2nd and 4th quarters. He played the princess in the 2nd and 4th so she had a little time to see how a game is actually played before she was put in. She was very nervous. It was kind of cute. But once she was on the floor she was all in, going hard. She did great!

My camera does not take good pictures in gyms so I won't be taking the camera to most games. These may be the only shots you get this year.

Watching 1st quarter.

She's the one nervously chewing ALL her fingernails.

A little defense.

Waiting for the pass.

That ball is headed her way. She did catch it!

You can barely see her, but I had to post this of her taking a shot.

This one didn't go in.

Afterward, with the coach.

I asked if he yelled at them.

She said, "No. But he did talk firmly."

Four games this week! Wish her luck!

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

Way to go! Can't wait to watch a game.