Thursday, August 23, 2012

First Day of School

They aren't dressed up fancy because, as you can see by the clock on the wall, it's 5:40 AM!  They are headed to cheer practice and then school.  The princess had her first day yesterday (Freshman get a day to themselves to learn the layout without those pesky upperclassmen bugging them.), and though she will tell you it was "boring", she also said she thinks it'll be "great" year.  She has a locker in an easy access location (they keep the same locker all four years), she has people she knows in all her classes, and she had multiple invitations to join friends for lunch.  (She opted to eat with the cheerleaders because they were actually EATING, not sitting around watching others eat.  She was hungry.  And contrary to popular belief, I'm here to tell you that cheerleaders EAT...even the female version.)  

Today marks the first day of the last year for the prince.  I'm a little sad just typing that.  He is, as most seniors probably are, ready to get this year over with and move on.  He spend yesterday with 4 friends.  They folfed in the morning, went to the lake in the afternoon, more folfing in the later afternoon, dinner at McDonald's, and then took someones dog to the dog park.  Sucking every last minute out of the summer.  Then he came home to do laundry.  Next year's first day of school post will be so different.  :(


Mary Beth said...

They are lookin' good for that early. Hope the first & second day are great!

J said...

I'm so impressed that they are up so early [and were all summer too!] for cheer. That's commitment! I look forward to catching some games. Have a great year!