Tuesday, August 28, 2012

First School Funny Of The Year

A 6th grade boy came up to me a little while ago.  "Umm...I found this rock in my shoe (about the size of a big toe).  What should I do?"  At first I thought he was kidding me, but the look on his face told me otherwise.  So I looked at him with my "Are you for real?" look.  Then I said, as nicely as I could without being "snarky" (you know me and my snarky), "Well, if I were you I'd throw it in the garbage can.  Don't throw it anyone.  Just throw it away."  That seemed like a good idea to him too.  SERIOUSLY!!!!

Also a shout out to my good friend, Christian.  Thanks to her, when the diabetic girl showed me her tester that read 78, I didn't panic.  I told her I thought she should drink her juice!  Unfortunately, it dropped to 71 after the juice.  She's having a snack right now!  But I am not panicking!  


J said...

Guess you never know what your workday will offer. Glad you knew what to do with the rock boy & diabetic girl!

Mary Beth said...

Middle school is exciting. I'm glad Christian could give a little insite to diabetic dealings.