Friday, August 24, 2012

Should I feel hurt?

Yesterday the prince was telling me all about his day.  He got to his psychology teacher, and the conversation went like this:

Him:  I think she's going to steal my thunder.
Me:  What do you mean?
Him:  Well, she's like you only 10 times worse!
Me:  What do you mean?  I don't think that's a compliment!
Him:  She's flamboyant, like you, only 10 times worse.

Hmmm...I like to think of myself as gregarious...not flamboyant!!  And I'd like to say to him that the APPLE DOESN'T FALL FAR FROM THE TREE.  I think he's just a little jealous that he hasn't reached my (or the psych teacher's) level of coolness!


Shelley said...

You're one of the COOLEST people I know. And just ask my kids, they'll say the same thing.

J said...

Clearly, it's a matter of jealousy! :-)

Wendy said...

This made me laugh. :)

Mary Beth said...

I really like the use of 'flamboyant' here. I had not thought of you in this way. Maybe you are flamboyant and this flamboyancy makes others jealous!