Thursday, September 18, 2008


The prince had to write either a poem or 2 paragraphs on what it means to be an American. He opted for the paragraphs. Here is his work:


What does it means to be an American? To some it may be a baseball game on the 4th of July with a hot dog in hand. To others it might be getting up in the morning to go to work. But to the couple 1,000 or so who immigrate to the U.S.A it could mean freedom and democracy. In other words, a better life.
The dictionary defines "American" as follows: American, adj. 1. of or having to do with the United States. If you have something to do with the United States you aren't necessarily an American. Are you? In my opinion, no. You need to go through all the right procedures. My point is that being an American is a privilege we shouldn't abuse. Unfortunately we do. Think of the people who fight to preserve your freedom. Just think for thirty seconds. So please don't abuse the power. Thank you and God bless America.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great essay Mitch. I'm proud to be an American!!
