Tuesday, September 16, 2008

School Funnies...

I rarely get good "funnies" from the kids these days but today there were two!
1. I was helping a 4th grader, and she was trying to figure out what 36 divided by 4 was. I said, "If you don't know the division, what can I mulitply 4 by to get 36?" She thought for a minute and then she said, "I did know this, but then SUMMER came along!" She was soooooooooooooooooo cute! That darn summer!
2. I could hear 5th grade boys playing football during recess. One boy was not happy with the way the game was going, and I heard him yell, "Throw the ball, you dumb JOCK!" That struck me as funny!
Hope you had a laugh today!

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