Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Needs more cowbell...

Have you seen the Saturday Night Live skit with Will Farrel and Christopher Walken (I think) where the choice line is, "It needs more cowbell!" It's a rock band incorporating a cowbell into it's song. It's hilarious--one of my favorite skits of all time--and they even sell a t-shirt now with Will Farrel on the front with a cowbell and that line. Maybe I need one of those. an example of Life imitating Art...

The prince comes home from 8th grade the other day and tells me that in choir they are singing "Lean on Me" (a classic), and that he'll be playing lead guitar (those guitar lessons are paying off), his BFF, Reed, will be playing bass, and Zach will be playing the drums for the song.


Two days later he comes home to tell me that Theo (whose grandpa was my choir director in highschool--small world and all) will be playing the cowbell on that same song.


Sure enough, they have Incorporated the cowbell into that song.

Now I ask you: does anything SCREAM "MIDDLE SCHOOL" more than a cowbell on "Lean On Me"????