Monday, December 15, 2008

I think I'll join the dance team...

"I think I'll join the dance team."

You'd expect to hear that from the princess. You might not be too surprised if I said it (being in my cool, adult, hip-hop dance class and all). But the prince??

Yep, he told me that a couple of weeks ago.

Of course, there are no boys on the dance team. So he and a friend went to the principal and asked to join. The principal said, "Nope!" He went on to explain that there are an equal number of sports offered to boys and girls at school. The prince then pointed out that girls are allowed to play football and wrestle. Additionally, at our school, the school doesn't sponsor football or wrestling. They are offered independently. Thus, there is not an equal availability of sports, and the guys fall short. The principal looked at the boys for a minute and then said, "Hmm...I'll check with the athletic director."

I'm pretty sure that, if the prince ever gets a phone, the ring-tone he'll choose when I am calling him will be "Don't Bring Me Down" by ELO. Because at this point in the "gotta dance" saga, I told him that, if he did make the team, he'd be at every 6:30 practice, he'd not miss a performance, and he'd be respectful and a good sport at every turn...

The next day an organizational meeting was called for this year's team. Anyone interested had to attend. The prince and his five friends were suddenly NOT interested in joining! (CHICKENS!)

What a bunch of dorks! I give him credit for fighting the fight. It was a true cause. But if you're going to choose a battle, plan to follow it through.

His current cause: a petition to let them slide on the ice at school. Good luck with that!!!

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