Monday, December 29, 2008

Snow Wonder!

There was a pretty good chunk of snow on the ground when we left town. While we were away, we were hit by another 8 inches or so--some parts of town got up to 12 inches. After it snowed, the winds came. Big, big winds. While we were quite impressed with the winds and snow drifts last January, I think these December drifts are bigger! We are fortunate to have great neighbors who came over to shovel us out before we got home. (Don't worry, they aren't our BEST neighbors ever--Brian and Mary Beth still hold that title--but we were very grateful and did get them a pizza!) Yesterday the temps got up to about 50* so some melted. Today it's in the 40*s so we'll see more melting. After that it cools down again and guess what? More snow predicted! Global warming, shwarming!

This is a "smaller" drift near our back gate.

Notice the green grass! Also, in the front part of this photo is our firepit--pretty much buried.

At this drift, we could probably easily hoist ourselves into Nate and Amber's yard. They could walk over that garden fence and the barb wire fence into the field behind them to go sledding.

This is the tallest peak. Notice our little tree (about 6 feet high), buried. The kids could walk on the top of this drift. It'll take months for it to melt!

What good is snow if you can't play in it!!! The prince built a tunnel but then he stood on the top of it and it collapsed! Winter fun!

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