Monday, December 15, 2008

I was the life of that party!

It's good to be confident. So even though he didn't go out for the dance team (see blog entry below), it's nice to know the prince can still find his place in the dance world. After the school dance Friday afternoon, I picked him up, and he told me, "I was the life of that party." He went on to explain that he was instrumental in getting the majority of the school into the congo line. He was soooo "good" at one point, that they cleared a spot for him in the middle of the mash pit where he could "dance". Mind you, dancing means jumping up and down and bobbing one's head. Funny that he complained of his neck hurting the rest of the weekend!

He wants to audition to be the school mascot when he gets to high school. I think he may have found his calling!

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