Thursday, October 14, 2010


Sometimes it's the little things that make me laugh out loud.

For example, yesterday my sister sent me a test. She decided to take her 4 year old to McDonald's to play while she tried to read the last 3 days' worth of newspapers. Alas, it was not meant to be. All those screaming kids gave her a huge headache!

Sorry sisty, but that made me laugh out loud!

Today during 7th period( the end of the day!!!) an 8th grader asked me if he could finish his lunch in class.


So I could hear him mumbling away. When I looked over at him, he was having a long conversation with his cheese stick. Upon further listen, it was clear he was impressed with the nutritional value of the cheese stick and then went on to apologize to the cheese stick for pulling him apart.

Seriously, I was laughing out loud.

But he topped it off when after he finished his soda, he got up to throw the can away, and as he walked to the garbage he said, "This is the saddest part about drinking a soda...finishing it."

I was trying NOT TO roll on the floor laughing because I don't want to encourage this late-afternoon feasting, but he was cracking me up today!!!

Finally, after school, I stopped by the office for a minute, and the secretary and I were laughing at all the kids who say that teachers "make" them do work. The princess was there and added that her English teacher is "making" her read a book she's not interested in. There was a boy standing there so I asked him, "What are they making you do?"

I fully expected him to answer, "Social Studies or Science," or something along those lines.

Nope! His answer, "Community service."

Oh my! I did have the presence of mind to laugh under my breath at that one.

So thanks for the laughs and keep 'em comin'!

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

You have the BEST stories from work, much better than mine. Should I be jealous?