Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pack The Place In Pink

By way of background, 4 years ago the girls' volleyball coach at our high school was diagnosed with breast cancer. She survived, and that year the girls wore pink socks and had a few more people in the stands than usual for the first event. As you can see, it has grown considerably. The place was "packed"! The mayor was there and had declared it "wear pink" day. News media, 100s of kids, cancer awareness groups, and both hospitals were in attendance. They played West High, and in the photos the pockets of black you see are West supporters. Their t-shirts (which were supposed to be pink but were made in black with pink writing accidentally) said "West Thinks Pink". Although we lost the match, the event was a huge success. The event will go state-wide next year as there were regional reps here last night to check out how it's done. Six weeks ago this same coach was diagnosed with breast cancer again. She caught it early, had surgery, and won't need radiation. It was an inspirational night. And of course, our favorite Falcoe was there to entertain the masses! Awesome!

The student section beginning to fill up.

This was still during the warm ups. That side was full by game time, and I'm sure our side was too.

The first game was over, and he was already sweaty. That's the mayor in the back with the pink shirt on and his face 1/2 cut out.

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

Sweet dance moves Falco!