Monday, October 4, 2010

Toothbrush Diplomacy

Sometimes, when I'm tired, preoccupied, or otherwise distracted, I accidentally use the king's toothbrush. I know. EWWW. Gross. You don't have to tell me. And you certainly don't have to tell him. He really freaks out. Now, in thinking this through I think he overacts a bit. I think the stuff he puts in his mouth is far yuckier than what I do. And we do breath in each others' faces all night so if germs are being transferred it's as likely it will happen that way as with the toothbrush. Still, I get his point. I even make sure the dentist gives me a purple toothbrush each time I go in so that I always have purple and don't have to get confused every 6 months with a toothbrush color change. This weekend he bought himself a new toothbrush. It's about as different from mine as you can possibly get. Maybe that'll work. Maybe not. The next step will be putting out toothbrushes in our own separate drawers instead of in the shared cup. I'm sure that would work, but I know his would never make it into his drawer and would sit on the counter all the time. That's not going to work for me. Wait! I know...separate bathrooms!


Shelley said...

Complete and total EEEEWWWWW!!! Marty has done that a couple times in our married life. I know it the minute I take the cover off my toothbrush cuz he doesn't rinse it well. It immediately goes into the garbage and I scrounge for a new one. Poor Richie!!!!

Becky said...

Haha I don't know why you people have issues with it...okay I understand my mom's issue because my dad really does make toothbrushes look nasty. But if you kiss them and share germs, then what's the difference, right?!

Mary Beth said...

That is darn near the GROSSEST thing I have heard from you. I'm going to have to take his side on this issue. Shelly & I are definately right on this...

J said...

I'm with Becky on this one. However, I have been told that the secret to successful marriage is separate bathrooms..... so go for it!! Then, sometimes, just sneak into his and pretend to use his toothbrush just to freak him out. I bet that's good for marriages too.