Thursday, February 17, 2011


While in Colorado, Grandma took us to an awesome Chinese buffet. The highlight, for everyone but me, was the crab legs. Libby loves them. Always has. And she has always been too busy eating hers to crack for her kids. So her kids learned, at very tender ages, that if they wanted crab meat, they'd have to crack their own crab. And they do.

All was going well, as I sat between the 7-year-old and the 5-year-old until I looked down and noticed crab meat all down both sleeves of my shirt. Apparently I was in the crab zone!

When we got done, we went to pick up Mariah, and as she got in the car she said, "Why does it smell like crab in here?"

Uh...maybe because we're all wearing it!!! ;)

Cracking crab is serious business.

After you've consumed all the crab you can take, you relax with a game on mom's phone.

Wait! We're not done yet.
Go ahead and try to count all the crab legs in these photos!


Shelley said...

Now I am REALLY bummed that I didn't get to go!!!

J said...

What a great story....and how cool of Libby to make them learn this important skill!