Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Love is in the air.

Love is in the air, and the Valentine's dance at the middle school is just around the corner. This all brings me to today's installment of As the Middle Schooler's Heart Breaks.

Last week a 7th grader showed me the book he was reading. LOVE POEMS. PLEASE!!! Then he proceeded to read some to me. I was gagging...and I do NOT exaggerate (as you can tell by all the capital letters and exclamation points).

Yesterday he was again talking about his true love (who, by the way, is at least a head taller than he is--that happens a lot in middle school). I finally said, "Dude (yep, I use that word a lot in middle school), you aren't even 14. You can not be that much in love."

He said, "Well, I'm only 12, but I fell hard."

He fell hard. I'm still laughing about that!

Pretty soon our principal will have to start playing love songs over the P.A., and the recess aides will have to get out the hoses!!! But not today. It's currently -23* with the windchill.


J said...

I remember those days.....annoyed me back then too :-)!! Have fun...maybe sugggest to the 12yr old that he write is very own poem... then he can read to you again :-)

Wendy said...

oh, that made me laugh! :)