Tuesday, February 1, 2011

No Fair

Depending on which news agency you check, the high temperature today will be somewhere between -4* and +1*. Yesterday I think our high was about -4*. The high today in Colorado Springs is suppose to be about -7*. My sister was notified last night that school is canceled there today. Huh??? No fair. We'll be going to school, unless the heater is broken, we'll be going. We're hearty like that.


Unknown said...

"Hearty" like that? I'd say our school is "stupid" like that! -20* should be reason enough to have kiddos stay home!

Shelley said...

Okay! Buck up Colorado!!! We, too, pretty much have school if is it frigid or if there are mountains of snow.
I was NOT happy the day Andy's bus got stuck THREE times on the way to school (4 blocks away) and the custodian had to carry him from the bus to the school and abandon his wheelchair.
We, too, are "hardy"!!!