Thursday, February 17, 2011

Happy Day!

The princess had her orthodontist appointment this morning. He was able to remove the rubber bands that connect her top and bottom jaw. I also heard him tell her that her teeth look great. They are working on pulling some top teeth together. And he told her she does a good job of brushing. That called for a celebration so we headed off to McDonald's for a delicious frappe on our way to school! We are nearing the end of this teeth thing. Yippee!


Shelley said...

Jared gets his braces off on Tuesday. FINALLY! I think we set a new record. He has had part of them on since 4th grade.
Now we just wait for Andrew to be ready for his "real" braces....the full set.
I should have become an orthodontist!!!

Mary Beth said...

Woo Hoo! My two will be so jealous.
Shelley - you should have! Me too.

Anonymous said...

No kidding. Ours seems to have GREAT hours because he only sees patients 2/week!! And he's RICH...or will be when he pays of his loans...he's young. SL

J said...

A Frappe is the perfect celebration... I did the same at Starbucks yesterday.... reward for getting my eyebrows done. It's important to celebrate the little things [or big things in C's case]!!