Monday, June 11, 2012

About "Stolen Lives"

I am giving "Stolen Lives: Twenty Years In A Desert Jail" by Malika Oufkir two stars.  I almost gave it three.  It's probably a 2.5.  It's a pretty good book, but not really good.  This book follows the true story of the author and several family members who are put in jail in Morocco after her father (a high ranking military member) tried to overthrow King Hassan II.  Her father was killed, and she and her family spent 20 years in various prisons, each in worsening conditions, before they finally escaped and were eventually given their passports and the ability to leave the country.  The book is long on details...lots and lots of details.  They aren't necessarily boring, but they are many.  The escape is fascinating.  It was what almost gave the book 3 stars, but of course, it comes at the end of the book of many, many details.  Thus I'm giving it 2 stars.  It's a good read.

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

I too would not rate this book very high. The escape was the best part of the book, the rest was interesting but not as exciting as you would hope.