Sunday, June 10, 2012

Chicken Man!

Here are the king and the princess with a big chicken!  The king came home a few weeks ago and said he'd seen one 3 times as big that was for rent.  Since many of our neighbors have LIVE chickens, the king thought he'd rent the large chicken and put it in our driveway for a weekend, in an attempt to feel like he belongs.  :)  So far he hasn't done it, but he was ready to get his picture taken with this guy yesterday.

Also yesterday we had eggs from one of our neighbor's chickens for breakfast.  He did say that he thinks they do taste a "little" better than store bought eggs.  Uh-oh.  It's only a matter of time before he wants his own chickens!  Yikes!

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

You should just bow to peer pressure and get a dozen chickens. Your husband wants too...