Saturday, November 17, 2012

Wiinter Formal

Since the princess and Andrew go to different schools, she got to go to his winter formal tonight.  She already had the dress and shoes.  It only cost her a flower and some breakfast money.  Tonight they were going to the dance with several (5) of Andrew's cousins.  It was a big group, and they all seemed very relaxed and ready for fun!  You'll see how much more relaxed it was with the last 3 photos.  

 The princess and Andrew.

 Several of the girls were going w/o dates.

 Hiking up her dress to cover her cleavage. 
(Wouldn't have seen that at the last photo session.) 

Helping her get her heal out of the soft grass.



Shelley said...

Love, love that last one!

Mary Beth said...

Looks like a fun time, especially the last pic!

Becky said...

Yep. Last picture is definitely my favorite.