Monday, August 16, 2010

Back to Vegas, Baby!

I don't know if you can read this blurry sign, but this photo was taken in front of Treasure Island in Las Vegas. Apparently there's a margarita bar I was not aware of. Between that and the fact that Allegiant Air is running $40 ROUND TRIP from here to Vegas through October, it only seems natural that I go back to Vegas. Of course, I don't even have $40 for the plane ticket, let alone Margarita money, so I'm NOT going to Vegas...but I'm thinking I really, really need to get a summer job next year in case this opportunity presents itself again!


Shelley said...

Phew! I thought you were going without me. I was afraid I would have to be offended that I wasn't invited.

Anonymous said...

Have you changed your mind about Vegas??? Do you love it when it involves shopping, food, and shows? SL

Karen L said...