Friday, August 27, 2010

Pep Assembly!

My apologies to Shelley, who waits daily for my posting! Blogger did not want to upload these photos today. I've been trying since 5:00 this morning! I finally had to do them one at a time, which is probably a benefit for you all because I didn't upload as many as I might have!

Yesterday the prince did his cheer/stunt thing in his first pep rally. He had a good time, and we are glad the king was able to take time off from his many royal duties to attend and snap these photos! Go Falcons!

Can you find the prince? He's actually behind the girl in the center who looks like she's holding the cheerleader up. He's the muscles--I'm not sure what they're getting ready to do here. Throw her? Stand her up? Not drop her????

Check out the Falcon. That was supposed to be his gig, but he said he liked this better because he got to be in more of the "show"! The Falcon--aka Falcoe--was only out for one song, I think.

The prince is in the back...away from this view, but the real shot here is Falcoe's new suit...complete with muscles! Click on the photo to make it bigger!
Sorry, no photos of him touching cheerleader butts this time! Maybe at Homecoming!


Shelley said...

So glad it finally worked for you. I have checked several times throughout the day.
Go Mitchie!!!!

Grandma L said...

"applause" "applause"