Monday, August 9, 2010


At the baseball game on Saturday night, the prince met some of his cheerleader friends the minute we hit the gate. Turns out they were working a fund-raiser and quickly enlisted the prince's help. He was wearing blue when we left him, but the next time we saw him, he'd snagged a nifty Mustang's polo.

This was a fifty-fifty raffle where the winning ticket holder splits the pot with the booster club. They raised over $300 for a trip some of the cheerleaders are taking to perform at the Holiday Bowl this winter. (The prince can go too, if he can come up with $1500 by September--I think NOT. They've been working on this trip for over a year so he'll be sitting this one out!)

I'm not sure I'll be able to get the photos lined up as it's not really wanting to cooperate, but in order they are the 50/50 group--including the regular 50/50 guy because kids can't take money (it's gambling), the prince selling to Grandpa--though Grandpa's sort of cut out of the photo, the group walking down the stairs, clapping, and yelling, "FIFTY-FIFTY"--use your imagination, and a few loyal supporters!

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