Sunday, August 22, 2010

It's a Scorcher!

Yesterday we broke the 100* mark for the first--probably only--time this year. We also had a record high of 101*! It was warm. The princess danced at the fair at 4:30. So let us recap: she danced there on the busiest day of the fair and the hottest day of the year. I want to thank the genius who did the scheduling for their dance group! But it's all good. The girls did a great job, despite the heat. Then it was time for foot-long corndogs, Vikings-on-a-stick, burgers, carmel apples, and soda galore. Score one for the moms: there were also slushy margaritas!!! The kids rode rides all night long...when they weren't eatting, drinking or hitting us up for more money. We stayed until they closed the place down at midnight. I'm pretty sure I haven't done that since I was a teenager. And thanks to MB for buying the prince a ride on the slingshot! YOWZA! We grown-ups are not counting down the days until next year, but I'm pretty sure the kids are!

About the photo: Taken Tuesday at the fair. I went to Walmart and bought myself those snazzy pink sunglasses a couple of weeks ago. The were $10 bucks, but isn't beauty worth any price? I thought I was so hip and cool! Then I picked up Megan (in the white glasses) a couple of days later for a dance class I was carpooling. As she got in the car she was looking at me and giggling. "What Megan?" I asked. Still giggling she said, "Macy (her sister, in the pink glasses) has a pair just like that and I have a white pair." Yep, I'm hip like that! Just like all the 7-year-olds. But here we are, having our photo taken for all the world to see that I am DOWN WITH THE 2nd GRADERS!


Karen L. said...

Hope you got a video of the performance. You must all be "Faired Out"

Mary Beth said...

It was a scorcher, but both mine had a great time and can't wait until next year. It was all about the SLINGSHOT this year!