Friday, April 27, 2012


Each year the 8th graders are required to write a poem about leaving our K-8 school. The students vote on the best poems to narrow it down, and then faculty vote on two poems to be read at graduation. My 8th graders were whining about this assignment.  I told them that writing poetry was EASY! They suggested I do the assignment myself, and so I did! I busted out 4 poems in no time. I'm posting the 2 limericks because they were the "best" (funniest). I hope the Nobel laureate people don't come calling. I'm too busy mocking 8th graders to go on a poetry tour.

Limerick #1  
We are done with school at Lockwood
Please don't mistake it for "the Hood"
Books and pens we had
Now we leave feeling sad
We're proud to say we're from "the Wood"

Limerick #2
There once was a girl in the 8th grade
In leaving Lockwood she had it made
But high school was a fright
Her old teachers were right
To go back she would gladly trade


Mary Beth said...

You should be published!

J said...
