Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What just happened?

Last night I attended our school superintended interviews, and I still have no idea what happened!  So as cryptically as possible, I'll tell the story.

Candidate #1--Early 40's, very well-spoken, interviewed well, medium amount of experience
Candidate #2--Early 40's, not as well-spoken, less experience, but I know him personally, and know him to be a great guy
Candidate #3--Late 50's, did not interview well, tons of experience and even Superintendent of the Year in his state recently

After the interviews there was a time of public comment, (In a school of 1200+ kids there were about 15 of us there and 14 were faculty, which I find sad, but maybe the public just believes the school board is doing such a good job that they don't need to be there.  And our school board is good/well-trained/educated.) and through public comment it was clear that the public had no interest in #3.

The board then began to discuss the candidates.  I was pleased to find out that we would be able to stay.  After discussion by all board members (there are 7 board members) of all 3 candidates, we took a break.  The pizza had been delivered!  When they reconvened, the mediator they had hired, (Our board is smart, as I mentioned, and hired someone from our state education department to oversee the process in the hopes of having the best outcome possible.  Money well-spent, in my opinion, as this person paced all events and checked all references--digging deep with references.) read the reference checks on all three candidates.  After more discussion, #2 was eliminated due to lack of experience.

There was another break.

Then there was more discussion and community input.  The board was having a very difficult time deciding between the two which the mediator reminded them was a good thing.  She said some boards don't really have any candidates they like.  Still it was clear the board was leaning toward #3 with all of his budgeting experience.  It was also clear that the staff liked #1 with his knowledge of the extremely changing education climate.  I felt sure they were going to hire #3 (which would not be the end of the world.), and the business manager, who would be working most closely with him, wanted #3.

So they took another break.  This break probably lasted 15 minutes.  (The others had been shorter.)  School board members spoke with each other and staff members during that time.  When they reconvened, a teacher stood up and reminded the board that our current superintended had been a principal at our school before moving into the superintended position and had no previous experience in that area, though she did have training.  She has done an amazing job for our district for many years.

After very little discussion, one of the board members made a motion to hire #1.  WHAT????  That was NOT the way they were leaning!  The motion was seconded and after a brief (2 people spoke) discussion, they voted, and he was hired.  Again, WHAT???  Don't get me wrong, I was happy with the choice, but I really want to know what happened in those last few minutes to change several minds.

To our board's credit, in a show of support they voted unanimously to hire him though it was clear that at least 2 of them were not happy with the choice.  They then spent a few minutes fine-tuning the contract they were going to offer.  The mediator asked it they would like to offer moving expenses, as is typical.  He lives in the area but will be required to move to our district as part of his contract.  Someone said, "I've got a truck.  I'll help him move."  That was the lightest moment of the night!  It was decided not to give him moving money.

Then the mediator called him, offered him the position, and he accepted.

The process took about 5 hours though countless hours went into the process before last night.  It will be interesting to be a part of the changes coming up!  Buckle your seat belt, we might be in for a bumpy ride (though I don't think so as I know our current superintendent will leave as much work as possible done before he gets here). 

And really, I just want to know what changed the board's mind.  WHAT JUST HAPPENED???


Mary Beth said...

That's a facinating look at the hiring process. I'm glad they decided to vote all together to hire #1. Good luck with the new leader.

J said... tell if you find out!