Sunday, April 29, 2012

Good-bye Old Friend

The prince has had this piggy bank since he was a baby.  Grandma bought it for him.  She also bought a cute pink one just like it for the princess, and I know Mark and Amanda also each got one.  Last week the prince brought home 2 HUGE stereo speakers he found at a garage sale.  (Yep.  They work!)  But there was no room in his bedroom for 2 HUGE stereo speakers.  After some prompting from the king, the prince agreed to clear out some things to make room for the speakers.  The piggy bank rested on the night stand, which was a casualty of the room overhaul.  Everything in/on the night stand had to go...including the piggy bank.  So the prince emptied it out, put his change in another container that wasn't going and quickly passed it on to our neighbor boy, Conner, who was thrilled by this cool piggy bank.  As an added bonus, the princess gave her pink piggy bank to Conner's little sister.  The piggy banks will live to save more pennies!  But it true-princely fashion, it was hard for him to let go.


J said...

First of all...great find!
Secondly...long live the blue and pink piggy banks!

Mary Beth said...

How nice to pass it on to the next brother & sister.

Wendy said...

Whew! I thought the poor pig met up with a hammer. Happy to hear he'll live a happy life next door.

Unknown said...

Did they pass on some "seed money" to Amelia & Conner as well?! You know, some pennies to get the ball rolling...