Friday, April 27, 2012

I've become "Snarky"

"Snarky" is my new, favorite word.  I'm living it.

Yesterday the school counselor called my room asking me to send one of my 8th graders down to the office.  I told the boy to head down there, and he asked, "Where's her office."  I have no idea why she requested a visit with him, but the fact that he doesn't even know where her office is tells me a lot.  (She's tucked back behind the main office so if you aren't looking for her, you'll never find her.)  None of this is blog worthy except for the next part of the story.  When he asked where her office was one overly-eager student's hand shot up, and he practically jumped out of his seat yelling, "Can I show him?  Can I?  Can I show him?"  I'd expect that from a 1st grader, but an 8th grader???  Being my usual "snarky" self, I told him no.  I was pretty sure he could find his way to the office all by himself! 

While we're on the topic of the office, I got to work the other day and headed to the lounge to drop off my lunch.  The lounge is also tucked back behind the office and next door to the counselor's office.  Kids aren't usually allowed back there, but staff kids are often back there with parents for a minute or two.  As I came out of there, a 6th grade boy was standing in the doorway with his mouth hanging open.  He wasn't a staff kid, and I have no idea why he was back there, though I'm pretty sure he wasn't supposed to be.  He looked at me and said, "Wow.  It's really nice in there!"  It's a small room with a frig, a sink, a table, and a computer desk.  But he'd never seen it before so I guess it was impressive!  I often tell kids we have a hot tub in there.  Some even believe me until they see for themselves!  Is that "snarky"?


Mary Beth said...

I'm sure that second kid was looking for the hot tub & had his swimsuit on under his jeans.

Shelley said...

I thought this post would explain where "snarky" came from. Hopefully you'll explain while I'm here.