Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Canada Day

I sometimes "blog hop" as I like to call it. Just hit "next blog" up at the top and away I go. I see people I'll never meet in real life and now and again, I see a "naughty" blog, so I don't recommend this for children. Mostly I look for cool things on other blogs and how to incorporate them into mine. As you can tell by the blog, it's slow going! However, as I was blog hopping today, I learned that yesterday was Canada Day. They are 141 years old. Don't you just figure they've been around as long as us? I know that's egocentric, but it's what I have always thought. I know Mexico's been around longer, and I know the Native Americans will say that they've been here longer, but in my own little mind--emphasis on LITTLE--I just figured Canada and the U.S. were the same age! Huh!

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