Thursday, July 24, 2008

Summer School--week 3

Yeah, the final day of summer school. I was the hero this morning when I let them all play outside until it was time for school. Usually they have to wait in the lunch room, but not today!

My favorite kindergarten story of the week came from Madison. She has cried off and on the last 3 weeks because she misses her mom. She was crying for me on Monday and I decided maybe there was more going on here, so I started asking her questions.

Is your mom at work?


Does she go to work every day?


But she always comes home at the end of the day right?


Now I'm thinking maybe she lives with Grandma or something since she's crying pretty good, so I ask if she lives with her mom or her grandma.

My mom.

Well, then your mom must come home from work at the end of the day, right?

NO, (she's sobbing now) because sometimes she works OVERTIME!!!

Duh, could I be any dumber????

I calmed her down--we thought about our favorite fair rides--and she survived another day of missing her mom!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are such a great teacher!!
