Monday, July 7, 2008

Work, work, work

I went back to work today. Summer school. Three weeks. NO AIR CONDITIONER!!!

But a funny thing happened when I left the kids home this morning. I called about 11:30, told them I had to attend a meeting and would be home later than planned. I told them to eat lunch and then go take care of the neighbor's yard (the kids are watering while they are out of town.)

So I get home around 1:00 and they are out front, having a water gun fight. They are both SOAKED and laughing!

What strikes me as odd about this are these two things:

1. They never choose to go outside but have to be sent out.
2. They never choose to have fun with each other but are sometimes forced to.

So I say, "Looks like you guys are having fun."

The prince smiles and says, "Well, we locked ourselves out of the house so had to find something to do!"

They'd been locked out for about 1 hour! Funny! Good thing the weather was good and no one had to use the potty!!!

Tomorrow they'll be at Grandma's in the morning...we'll see how it goes Wednesday when they're home again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey,maybe they should get locked out of the house more often!Very good bonding for them!