Saturday, July 5, 2008


We had lots of fun yesterday with a bbq at the king's sisters--yum--followed by more food and swimming with all our old neighbors and other friends later. The highlight for the kids was the 2+ hours of lighting fireworks. There were about 11 kids fighting for their turn to light and that more people did not get burned by wild punks is quite amazing! The funniest thing I heard all night happened at the end of the night and went like this:

Pudgy girl: I burned my thumb on a punk tonight.

Skinny girl: I did that last summer, but the worst burn was the time I burned myself when I was making donuts with my grandpa.

Pudgy girl (with real concern in her voice): Yeah, but were the donuts good?

Today we're off to look for good deals on clearance shrubs and trees and maybe take in a baseball game tonight. How about you?

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