Monday, September 14, 2009

Faithful readers of my blog--I know there are about 10 of you out there--might also sometimes read blogs (I call it blog-stalking) on my blog list. That's okay. That's why it's there. My friend, MB, posted a story about a run-in while driving that she had with a spider recently. Yikes! I had no similar story to tell, but I provide the link in case you want to be amused (I hope that's okay with her...I didn't ask her first. She's one of those faithful readers so I'm sure I'll hear from her if it isn't.)
Now, having read her story, I must tell you about Jeanette--since I'm posting photos from my trip to see her and all. Prior to my coming to see her, she was working in her mom's backyard and came upon a couple of nests of bees who were not happy to share the back yard with her. She worked really hard to get rid of them--several cans of bee spray were required--but she had the back yard all ready when I arrived with nary a bee to be found. Occasionally she would find a bee or two in the general vicinity, and she was pretty sure they were stalking her, but she had no proof.
On the day that I was leaving for the airport, one of those vengeful bees found her, while she was driving me to the airport!! The rest is her story (she's a much better writer than I am, and I did get permission from her before posting it--sorry MB!!)
I just returned from a most traumatic trip to the San Jose airport. Without incident I managed to pick up my friend at her hotel for a quick breakfast before her flight home. Within moments of hitting the road though an evil creature flew into my car!! Yes, it's true! A wasp/hornet sentry finally tracked me down a few miles from the house where I sprayed the nests and wiped out the work crew. I give 'em credit for perseverance....I did not, however, grant an extension on its life! My noble friend whipped out her wallet and started beating me with it in an effort to kill the creature. Now mind you I'm STILL driving during all of this. As each light turned green I'd have to stop her as she was leaned across my lap trying to smack it to death. Once we thought she got it, but it was only playing dead! In fact, it stung me after the first fake death. Thus, my noble friend beat me again with her coin-heavy wallet.... and finally the creature stopped twitching. That is life in CA. Of course, I could have told you that in addition to the 5am wake-up calls on Fri/Sat for the yard sale we also had fun exploring Monterey, San Francisco, Pacifica, and Davenport....but anybody could travel around CA...not everyone gets hunted down at 40mph by a flying sentry and lives to tell the story!

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

Oh Man - I feel for her. We are Sisters In the Fight Against Insects! Much better than my story!