Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Homecoming Madness!

It's suppose to be 87* on Friday for the Homecoming Game! We'll forgo the parade and whatnot, though the prince will be enjoying all the festivities (Today is "western" day, and I'm not sure what he'll be wearing, but he's already talking about how much hairspray it'll take to glam up his hair for 80's day tomorrow. Perfect since he's all into 80's rock!) but plan to take in the game in the evening.
I sound just like a high schooler, don't I? It's like I'm right back there, except I don't have an algebra test tomorrow and I'm not struggling with Spanish I! It's the best of both worlds for me.
The prince did meet with his counselor yesterday and found out that even though he's college-bound he doesn't HAVE to have 2 years of a foreign language. It can be replaced by 2 years of computers or visual/performing arts! Phew! He's already taking a computer class so will probably keep heading in that direction though if I were him, I'd take the easy A in choir for two years. The boy CAN sing!

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