Friday, September 25, 2009


You may have noticed that I haven't posted much about the princess lately. It's not that I don't like her, it's just that the biggest news in her world is the braces she got a couple of weeks ago. I'm not ALLOWED to post anything remotely related to braces so she's not been in our news lately.

However, today she became a published author, and this I will share. Last fall she wrote a poem (all the 5th graders did) in her Language class. The teacher sent their poems into a poetry contest, and she--along with several of her classmates--had her poem chosen to be published in the "Young American Poetry Digest." The book arrived today, and she'll be very excited to see it tomorrow when she gets home from the birthday party she is at; a birthday party that started when they were picked up after school in a LIMO!!!

This is her poem, written in the Diamond Form style.

Summer and Winter
By The Princess, Age 11
Fiery, sweaty,
Swimming, playing, biking,
Leaves start to fall and snowflakes call--
Shoveling, sledding, bundling,
Frigid, Freezing,

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

Way to go Cara! A published author who rides in limo's - I'm jealous.