Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hurricane Jimena

So I'm headed to California early tomorrow morning. Yep, California--the state that is waiting for Hurricane Jimena to land! Luckily, I'm headed to Northern California, and it looks like Southern California will get the bulk of what's left of the weakening system. Still, I'm suppose to go whale watching one of the days that I'm there, and I don't know how hurricanes affect whales, whale habits, and the ocean waves!!! I'll keep you posted.

Least you think this is purely a pleasure trip, as the king does, I assure you I will be working hard to help my friend go through her mother's estate and do a big HONKIN' garage sale. My "reward" for that hard work was going to be a whale-watching trip. Now my reward might have to be extra margaritas!

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