Friday, January 28, 2011


In the words of the great Sue Sylvester, "Let me break it down for you."

I am addicted to Glee. I wasn't. I had no intention of ever watching the show. The princess likes it. Lots of people I know like it. But I don't watch much tv and am certainly not home when it airs. But a friend at work bought Season One on dvd and begged me to watch the first dvd. It had 4 episodes on it. And that was all it took. Now I have to see what happens to the baby. I have to see if they take regionals. I've got a little crush on Finn. And I've gotta know what the next two songs they will brilliantly mash together will be.

I've been "Gleed". I'm just warning you. And now I get the dvds sent to me on Netflix. Someday I'll blog about the beauty of Netflix.


Shelley said...

1. Same thing happened to Matthew. Liz made him watch a couple of the first episodes and now he is a huge fan.

2. Becky has been a fan from the start, which is why I have all the music...from her.

3. Sooooooooooooo happy to hear that you love Netflix. Last I heard, I still didn't think you were a big fan.

4. I can NOT believe this is your first blog since SATURDAY!!!!!

Anonymous said...


1. I didn't say I love Netflix. I am less annoyed by it than I used to be, and I am able to get older movies I couldn't find at Redbox, but I'm still not convinced it's necessary in my house, AND I would have lived happily ever after w/o it. But it is a great price.

2. As for the whole "blog since Saturday", I tried to blog a couple of days ago, but I couldn't think of anything to say. I am just not into it. I'm taking time off from the computer...or at least spending much less time on it. You should see how nicely that's working out. Sometimes I even chop up vegetables for dinner because I'm not on the computer! :)