Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Annual Hanging of the Christmas Lights

How many people does it take to hang the Christmas lights?


1 to hang the lights.
1 to hold the ladder.
1 to supervise.
1 to take the photo.

In this photo you'll notice the king is also holding the next strand. Multi-tasking.

He promised the prince and Kooter lunch if they would hang the lights yesterday. The weather was decent so it all worked out swell. When asked if the king will still hang lights when the prince no longer lives here, the answer was an emphatic, "NO." I can't blame him. All I do is photograph their efforts.

We won't actually turn on the lights until Thanksgiving, but let the holiday fun begin!


Shelley said...

We quit doing outside lights a few years ago. IF I could get Marty to put them up, I considered myself lucky. However, getting him to take them down was always a minor miracle. When I grabbed an end hanging down one year in APRIL and ripped them off the house from the ground, I decided we were done!

J said...

The real question is will he keep carving those pumpkins all by himself..... :-)

Wendy said...

Yay for Christmas lights, this makes me happy. :)

Mary Beth said...

Oh Wendy - you love Christmas and all things Christmas-y!

Wendy said...

Of course I do MB, doesn't everyone? ;)